Porcelain Veneers Cotati

“The entire team is incredibly friendly. The office atmosphere is welcoming, the facility always looks “neat as a pin”. They take great care with each one of their patients.”

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Dental Care Clean Teeth Icon,

Could you benefit from porcelain veneers in the Cotati area? Good news: Buzza Dental Group in Santa Rosa is here to handle all your dental needs. You deserve to feel comfortable and confident every time you smile—and we can help make this possible!

Specifically, if you’re interested in ceramic veneers, then you came to the right place! With years of experience, we are passionate, skilled, and knowledgeable. If you’re unhappy with your teeth, come see us.

Affordable and Convenient Dental Veneers

You don’t have to go through life embarrassed by your teeth. Today, dental veneers are available for myriad cosmetic concerns, such as:

  • Straining
  • Inconsistent Shape
  • Crooked Teeth
  • And More!

Specifically, veneers are ceramic shells that are bonded directly to the front of your teeth. The shells are thin, look natural, and the application process is simple and convenient. We can apply porcelain veneers by Cotati in just three office visits. During these visits, we’ll look at your teeth and establish a treatment plan, then prep your teeth, and finally, create an impression of your teeth. This impression will be sent to the lab; your veneers will be ready in about three weeks. Your last appointment will include us bonding the veneers to your teeth.

Ceramic Veneers for You

Buzza Dental Group’s main goal is to make you feel at ease. When it comes to dental veneers, there’s no need for stress or confusion—we guarantee to make this experience as smooth as possible for you.

So, don’t waste another moment—let’s get started now!

Contact Us for Porcelain Veneers near Cotati

Are you ready for porcelain veneers close to Cotati? You know what to do: Contact Buzza Dental Group in Santa Rosa today! You’ll be smiling and showing off your teeth in no time. To schedule an appointment, just call (707) 573-0600. We look forward to hearing from you. Remember, you deserve the best dental care—and that’s what we offer!

Dr. Buzza, DDS


Enriching Lives, Exceeding Expectations

2448 Guerneville Rd. Suite 1200, Santa Rosa, CA 95403
Phone: 707-573-0600 • Fax: 707-324-1234